
Showing posts from November, 2010

Do You Have Too Much Debt?

Your Debt to Income Ratio is key to your loan approval. Here's how to beat the system. Your personal Debt to Income Ratio (DTI) is an important factor all lenders use to determine your credit worthiness. This ratio is essentially what you earn against what you are paying out each month for scheduled debt. If you have a high debt ratio, then your monthly living expenses will usually start to suffer and most people will start missing payments or let their credit balances creep higher. This is murder to your credit rating as all your creditors will see this trend when they view your statistics. Once your balances rise, your credit score dives, and up go your interest rates! So it pays to understand how this works. Literally. SAVE this Debt Evaluation Calculator link: Essentially if you are over 30% of your availble credit balance and over 40% of your monthly income going out the door via regularly sc...